1. Name

Raj kamal Singh

  1. College

Maulana Azad national institute of technology

  1. Linkedin Profile


  1. CV/Resume

Expand https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bdKKUxIpadLm7TfKWhGfQ3K_TjxJqqsv/view?usp=sharing

  1. CGPA at the time of Selection


  1. Company Appeared For


  1. Placement Profile

Summer Internship

  1. Mode of Online Assessment


  1. Online Assessment Difficulty (out of 5)


  1. Online Assessment Round Questions

Expand OA was of 4 Coding questions. unable to recall exact questions but they were of hard level that’s all i can say.

  1. Mode of Interview(s)


  1. Number of Interview Rounds


  1. Interview Experience


interview was concluded in 2 rounds and in both of them only DSA Questions were asked

  1. It was a leetcode medium level problem based on stack and string . second question was of binary search similar to aggressive cow (gfg)
  2. In 2 round Question of DFS/BFS traversal but it was framed nicely some complex analysis was required in question n rows and m cols were given which represents a matrix and we need to find how many types of pattern lock we can apply assuming it to be similar to that of phone screen dots pattern matrix .

  1. Level of Difficulty of Interview(s)


  1. Tips/Sources for Interview Preparation

Expand Striver for DSA Seniors for tips leetcode and cf for practice

  1. Were Society Position of Responsibility given any Importance?

Maybe, can’t tell certainly

  1. Did the Interviewer(s) Focus on asking questions from CV/Resume


  1. Any other relevant information

20% luck + 80% hard work that’s it